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Guide For Men: How To Keep Your Private Parts Clean

Guide For Men: How To Keep Your Private Parts Clean

Personal hygiene matters, from keeping you healthy and fresh to keeping the partner in your life. Here are some tips for men.

1. Use SATU toilet paper gel daily. Wiping with dry toilet paper doesn’t equivalent to cleaning. Toilet paper may remove most dirt, but the skin and the hair will remain dirty. Sweating causes a swamp down there, spreading bacteria to buttocks and thighs. That’s why people have brown stripes on underwear. You need gel to clean skin and hair around anus.

  • Take your skin type into account when choosing a toilet paper and gel. If you have dry or very sensitive skin, choose soft quality paper and gel with Panthenol and Vitamin E.
  • Brown stripes = no sex

2. Groom yourself. Trim your pubic hair. Do this before you shower, so that all the trimmings are washed away.

  • Avoid using chemical depilatories. These are products that “melt” the hair away. Soak in a bathtub for a bit to soften the hair up. It’ll make it a lot easier to shave.
  • If you’re trimming, use a pair of scissors designated solely for your short-and-curlies.
  • Once you are done shaping, it’s time to start shaving.
  • Note that when you shave, within a couple days it could get really itchy.

3. Clean it. Making sure that your private parts are clean is also one of the basics when it comes to men’s grooming tips to stay free from body odor.

  • Choose a mild soap. Many soaps contain perfumes that may irritate sensitive skin, and some contain cleaning agents too harsh for use on the genitals.
  • Make sure to create a lather in your hands to wash your penis (rather than putting soap directly on it).
  • Don’t overdo it: Your skin down there is delicate, and overwashing it with your usual soap can be irritating. This is especially true if you’re uncircumcised, since that means you have a mucus membrane on the head of your penis that’s extra sensitive.
  • If you’re uncut, clean under the foreskin. Neglecting this will cause a buildup of a whitish substance with the oddly unpleasant name of smegma. It’s harmless, but not something you want sticking around.

4. Rinse. Rinse away all the soap and any debris that may have collected.

  • Make sure you rinse thoroughly.

5. Good underwear. Wear a clean, fresh pair of underwear daily.

  • Equip yourself with the right underwear.
  • You can’t go wrong with cotton. It’s the most breathable fabric, and since cotton easily absorbs and holds sweat so you don’t have to worry about building up a smelly swamp down there.

Ready to try it? SATU Laboratory Toilet Paper Gel is available in here.

Guide for Men: How to keep your private part clean

Are You Walking Around With Dirty Anus? A Guide To Good Butt Hygiene



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